VoxEU has set up a Consortium of sites with which it cooperates. The original members were LaVoce (www.LaVoce.info), which provided inspiration for the idea and help from the start, and the French site Telos (www.telos-eu.com).
Subsequent members include: the Japanese site by The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), the Dutch site Me Judice (www.mejudice.nl); the Spanish site Nada es Gratis (www.fedeablogs.net/economia/); the Latin American site Vox LACEA (Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (http://vox.lacea.org/), the Japanese site Hi-Stat Vox, which was set up by the Japanese Global COE Program "Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences"; the Swiss site (in German) Oekonomenstimme (http://www.oekonomenstimme.org/english/).