Conference The European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) 1994 27 Jun 1994 - 8 Jul 1994 in Gerzensee, Switzerland Applied Macroeconomics
Conference The European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) 1993 28 Jun 1993 - 9 Jul 1993 in Gerzensee, Switzerland Applied Macroeconomics
Conference The European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) 1994 27 Jun 1994 - 8 Jul 1994 in Gerzensee, Switzerland Applied Macroeconomics
Discussion paper DP926 Competition, Market Niches, and Efficiency: A Structural Model of the European Airline Industry Lars-Hendrik Röller Robin Siekles 31 Mar 1994 Applied Macroeconomics L1 L93
Discussion paper DP924 Auctions vs. Negotiations Jeremy Bulow Paul Klemperer 31 Mar 1994 Applied Macroeconomics D44 G34
Discussion paper DP927 Small Firms and R&D Spillovers: Evidence from Italy David Audretsch Marco Vivarelli 31 Mar 1994 Applied Macroeconomics L0 O3
Discussion paper DP899 On the Optimal Structure of Local Governments Jacques-François Thisse David Pines Oded Hochman 31 Mar 1994 Applied Macroeconomics H11 H72 R51 R53
Discussion paper DP916 Centralization, Renationalization, Redistribution. The Role of the Government in Changing the Ownership Structure in Hungary, 1989-93 Eva Voszka 28 Feb 1994 Applied Macroeconomics L22 P52
Discussion paper DP898 On the Role of Banks in Enterprise Restructuring: The Polish Example Sweder van Wijnbergen 28 Feb 1994 Applied Macroeconomics D21 G21 G28 G3
Discussion paper DP891 Large Shareholders, Private Benefits of Control and Optimal Schemes for Privatization Francesca Cornelli David Li 23 Feb 1994 Applied Macroeconomics D44 G32 L33
Discussion paper DP889 Accountability and Decentralization in Government: An Incomplete Contracts Model Paul Seabright 31 Jan 1994 Applied Macroeconomics D72 H41 H70 L20
Discussion paper DP871 Why Does the Self-Employment Rate Vary Across Countries and Over Time? David Audretsch David S. Evans Zoltán J Acs 31 Jan 1994 Applied Macroeconomics J0 L0
Discussion paper DP841 Constraints on Enterprise Liquidity and their Impact on the Monetary Sector in Formerly Centrally Planned Economies István Abel Pierre Siklos 31 Dec 1993 Applied Macroeconomics E51 G32 H32 P52
Discussion paper DP878 The Economics of Bankruptcy and the Transition to a Market Economy Konstantine Gatsios István Abel 31 Dec 1993 Applied Macroeconomics G33 P51