The Bank of Italy, the Centre for Economic Policy Research, the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development are pleased to announce a research conference on “Firm-level production networks and their implications for productivity, global resilience and the twin transition”. The meeting aims at bringing together lead economists to discuss the role of production networks in defining the organisation of production, links between firms, the propagation of shocks and industrial policy spillovers, with a particular emphasis on micro-macro linkages (from firm behaviour to aggregate productivity growth, global resilience, the twin transition etc.) and policy implications. Both theoretical and empirical works are welcome.
Topics of interest are related (but not limited) to the following aspects:
o Firm-to-firm trade and (spatial) production networks
o The effects of joining a global value chain on productivity
o The propagation of shocks across production networks
o The implications of production networks for aggregate productivity and resilience
o Recent evolutions of global supply chains: evidence on globalisation or reshoring
o The effect of technological change on the organisation of production
o The diffusion of environmental performance and digital technologies across production networks
o The design of industrial policy taking into account production networks
Keynote speaker: David Baqaee (UCLA and CEPR)
Organising committee:
Fabio Bertolotti, Andrea Linarello and Francesca Lotti (Bank of Italy)
Andrea Pozzi (EIEF and CEPR)
Andrew Green, Louise Guillouët, Guy Lalanne (OECD STI/PIE)
How to apply:
Papers should be emailed to [email protected] no later than September 9th, 2024. Authors of successful submissions will be notified by the end of September.
Travel and accommodation expenses for presenters will be covered according to CEPR guidelines. Meals taken during the conference will be covered for all participants.