Conference CEPR Women in Economics Women in Economics

CEPR Women in Economics Workshop in Micro- & Applied Microeconomics

This Event is no longer receiving submissions.

We invite you to attend the inaugural Micro- & Applied Microeconomics workshop, under the CEPR’s Women in Economics initiative. This workshop will be a collaboration between CEPR and the University of Cologne, with the support of the ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Cluster of Excellence.

The aim of this workshop is to host presentation and foster interaction between female researchers working in the areas of microeconomics and applied microeconomics/-econometrics.


Keynote lectures given by Anna Aizer (Brown University) and Randi Hjalmarsson (University of Gothenburg and CEPR) along with 14 contributed papers.

This workshop will take place online in a virtual format, the programme can be found on this link To register your attendance, please go to

Programme committee:

Michele Belot (Cornell University and CEPR), Anna Bindler (University of Cologne and CEPR), Pia Pinger (University of Cologne and CEPR), Anna Raute (Queen Mary University of London and CEPR), Johanna Rickne (Stockholm University and CEPR).

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Mandy Chan, Senior Events Officer at [email protected].

Anna Bindler (University of Cologne): [email protected].