Dominic Rohner

Co-Director of the Department of Economics and Professor of Economics at HEC Lausanne

Dominic Rohner is a Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC) of the University of Lausanne. He is a Research Fellow of CEPR, CESifo, OxCarre and HiCN. His research focuses on political and development economics and has won several prizes, such as for example the KfW Development Bank Excellence Award or the SNIS International Geneva Award. He has held a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) investigating “Policies for Peace” and is an Associate Editor at the Economic Journal. He is also the leader of the CEPR Research and Policy Network (RPN) on Preventing Conflict. He has published papers in various international journals, including, among others: American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Review of Economic Studies. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge.