Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Development Economics in the Department of International Development, with a particular interest in the study of poverty dynamics, inequalities, social policy, and green development. He is also a Senior Economic Research Consultant in the Strategic Policy Unit at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In 2020, he was the recipient of Mexico’s National Prize of Public Finance. Eduardo has 15 years’ international research and policy experience. He has served as Senior Economist at the UNDP in New York, as Deputy Director of Economic and Social Analysis at the Mexican Ministry of Social Development and has done extensive consultancy work for international organisations and national governments, including the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and UNU-WIDER. Eduardo has pursued his research interests from two perspectives: methodological innovations in wellbeing measurement, and distributional assessments.
VoxEU Column
The global inequality boomerang
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- Poverty and Income Inequality