Central banks such as the ECB and the Bank of England, among many others, weigh the pros and cons of retail Central Bank Digital Currency or “Reserves for All.” Banks plan to issue liabilities in new form, such as “deposit tokens.” New Fintech companies and crypto asset issuers aim to revolutionize payments, intermediation, funding, and asset management, with potentially important consequences for competition, privacy, and censorship resistance.

The network is concerned with these and other dramatic changes in money and banking. It generates and disseminates relevant academic research and fosters the dialogue between academics and policy makers.


Since its launch in September 2028, the Fintech and Digital Currencies RPN organised various online and in-person events, launched a VoxEU Debate Page and published two eBooks. 

Fintech & Digital Currencies RPN Session at the CEPR Paris Symposium 2023

On Friday, 8 December, 10:00 -11:00 (Paris time), the Fintech & Digital Currencies RPN held the Panel "Will the digital euro take off?" at Banque de France during the CEPR Paris Symposium 2023.



Tobias Adrian

Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department International Monetary Fund

David Andolfatto

Senior Vice President, Research Department Federal Reserve Bank Of St Louis

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Katrin Assenmacher

Head of the Stress Test Modelling Division European Central Bank

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Emmanuelle Assouan

Director General Financial Stability and Operations, Chair of the Banque de France Climate Change Centre Banque De France

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Rhys Bidder

Senior Lecturer King's Business School; Deputy Director Qatar Centre For Global Banking And Finance

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Ulrich Bindseil

Director General of Market Infrastructures and Payments European Central Bank

Markus Brunnermeier

Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Economics and Director of the Bendheim Center for Finance Princeton University

Stephen Cecchetti

Rosen Family Chair in International Finance, Brandeis International Business School Brandeis University; Vice-Chair, Advisory Scientific Committee European Systemic Risk Board

Jonathan Chiu

Senior Research Advisor Bank of Canada

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Darrell Duffie

Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance at Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Stanford University

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Antonio Fatás

Vice President Centre for Economic Policy Research; Professor of Economics European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD)

Fellow, Macroeconomics and Growth / RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies / CEPR Vice President

Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

Howard Marks Presidential Professor of Economics, Director of the Penn Initiative for the Study of the Markets and Co-Director of the Business, Economic, and Financial History Project at the Wharton Initiative on Financial Policy and Regulation University Of Pennsylvania

Leonardo Gambacorta

Head of Innovation and the Digital Economy Bank For International Settlements

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies / RPN Member, European Financial Architecture / Fellow, Banking and Corporate Finance / RPN Member, Artificial Intelligence

Rod Garratt

Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Economics University Of California, Santa Barbara

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Todd Keister

Professor of Economics Rutgers University

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Anneke Kosse

Senior Economist Bank For International Settlements

RPN Member, Fintech and Digital Currencies

Linda Schilling

Assistant Professor of Finance Olin Business School, Washington University in St Louis

Hyun Song Shin

Co-Lead of the Monetary and Economic Department and Senior Management Member of the Executive Committee Bank For International Settlements

Harald Uhlig

Bruce Allen and Barbara Ritzenthaler Professor of Economics University Of Chicago

Kathy Yuan

Professor of Finance London School Of Economics And Political Science

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12 December
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