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CEPR, established in 1983, is an independent, non‐partisan, pan‐European non‐profit organization. Its mission is to enhance the quality of policy decisions through providing policy‐relevant research, based soundly in economic theory, to policymakers, the private sector and civil society.

澳洲10的幸运官方网站|澳洲幸运10开奖结果历史记录查询 Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics

An announcement for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2024 featuring images of Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, alongside the Nobel Prize logo and CEPR branding.

Geneva 27: Much Money, Little Capital, and Few Reforms: The 2023 banking turmoil

Ignazio Angeloni, Stijn Claessens, Amit Seru, Sascha Steffen, Beatrice Weder di Mauro

Geneva Report 27 - frontpage banner image

New Policy Insight: Government guarantee programmes for bank lending to firms: Lessons for future policymakers

Jin Cao, Linda S. Goldberg, Sonalika Sinha, Stefano Ungaro

Policy Insight 133 Banner Image

澳洲十历史开奖记录查询 CEPR Paris Symposium 2023

CEPR held its second annual Paris Symposium in December 2023.
Catch up on the programme highlights here, including videos, podcasts, and other linked materials.

Symposium 2023 banner

Find out more about CEPR & what it does

For 40 years, the Centre for Economic Policy Research has provided an invaluable bridge between the world of economic research and those of monetary and fiscal policymaking. Find out more about the organisation and the influential part it has played in global and European economics during those years.

幸运澳洲10开奖官网开奖直播,开奖结果记录, The Week's New Discussion Papers

CEPR publishes over 1000 new Discussion Papers each year and subscribers have access to an impressive archive of more than 17,000 papers, dating back to 1984.

CEPR Paris

In October 2021, CEPR opened a new Paris office

 Paris Funders 40 Years