Julia Cage

Professor in the Department of Economics at Sciences Po Paris

Julia Cagé is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Sciences Po Paris, and a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in Public Economics, Industrial Organization and Economic History. She is also co-director of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP)’s “Evaluation of Democracy” research group. She completed her PhD at Harvard University in 2014. Her work has been published in leading journals in economics, including the Review of Economic Studies, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the European Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Public Economics, and Explorations in Economic History, as well as in several handbook chapters. She is the recipient of an ERC starting grant (2021-2025) and of an ANR grant (2017-2020). Julia is particularly interested in media economics, political participation and political attitudes, and has already authored three books on the subject: Saving the Media. Capitalism, Crowdfunding and Democracy, Paris, Le Seuil, 2015, translated in eleven different languages (English translation: Harvard University Press, 2016), L’Information à tout prix (with Nicolas Hervé and Marie-Luce Viaud, INA Editions, 2017), and L'Information est un bien public Refonder la propriété des médias (with Benoît Huet, Le Seuil, 2021). Saving the Media was awarded the Special Jury Prize for Best Book on Media of the 2016 edition of the “Prix des Assises du Journalisme”. In Le prix de la démocratie, Paris, Fayard, 2018 (The Price of Democracy, Harvard University Press, 2020), she scrutinizes contemporary democracy and proposes radical new solutions for political funding. This book was awarded a “Prix Ethique” by Anticor, an association that combats corruption and helps restore ethics in politics, the 8th edition of the “Prix Pétrarque de l’Essai France Culture-Le Monde”, and the 2021 "Prix de l'essai de la Ville de Saint-Maur" (international paperback book fair "Saint-Maur en poche")..