Matteo Cacciatore

Research Advisor at Bank of Canada, Professor of Economics at Hec Montréal

Matteo Cacciatore is a Professor of Economics at HEC Montreal, a Research Fellow in the International Finance and Macroeconomics Program of the NBER, and a Research Advisor at the Bank of Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston College. His research covers various topics in macroeconomics and international trade, encompassing theoretical and empirical contributions. One area of his research focuses on how trade linkages and production networks influence business cycle dynamics and the effects of macroeconomic policies. Another area studies the aggregate consequences of uncertainty, with a particular emphasis on labor market and price dynamics. Finally, a third area of research delves into how regulation and reforms in product and labor markets impact macroeconomic dynamics and cross-country interdependence. His work on structural reforms provided the theoretical framework for analyzing structural reforms in product and labor markets featured in the April 2016 IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) issue.