Policy insights

Policy Insights

Policy Insight 130: Is Italy’s RRF plan working, or is it just another waste of money?

Reforms are a critical condition for EU countries to gain access to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) funds. Investments, the other component, beyond reforms, of the RRF, can generally raise output growth but cannot alone cure Europe’s growth malaise. The authors of this Policy Insight examine the case of Italy, the largest recipient of RRF funds, where this is especially true. With the Italian RFF programme now at the halfway mark, the Policy Insight focuses on reforms, and on a handful of examples that show how it is addressing some of Italy’s weakest spots and has kicked off the implementation of reforms, with surprisingly fast results in some areas.

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Giavazzi, F and C Goretti (2024), Policy Insight 130: Is Italy’s RRF plan working, or is it just another waste of money?, CEPR Policy Insight No 130, CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/policy-insight-130-italys-rrf-plan-working-or-it-just-another-waste-money