Discussion paper DP15045 Assessing the Quality of Public Services: Does Hospital Competition Crowd Out the For-Profit Quality Gap? Johannes Kunz Carol Propper Kevin Staub Rainer Winkelmann 16 Jul 2020 Public Economics H51 I1 I11 I18
Discussion paper DP3021 Health Care Reform and the Number of Doctor Visits - An Econometric Analysis Rainer Winkelmann 15 Oct 2001 Labour Economics Public Economics C25 I11 I18
Discussion paper DP2880 Why do Firms Train? Empirical Evidence on the First Labour Market Outcomes of Graduate Apprentices Rainer Winkelmann Rob Euwals 15 Jul 2001 Labour Economics
Discussion paper DP2596 Dutch Migrants in New Zealand - Did They Fare Well? Joop Hartog Rainer Winkelmann 24 Oct 2000 Labour Economics F22 J61
Discussion paper DP1093 Unemployment: Where does it Hurt? Rainer Winkelmann Liliana Winkelmann 31 Jan 1995 Human Resources D6 J6