Discussion paper DP18567 Why is Trade Not Free? A Revealed Preference Approach Rodrigo Adao Arnaud Costinot Dave Donaldson John Sturm Becko 1 Nov 2023 International Trade and Regional Economics Political Economy Public Economics D60 D7 D70 F0 F10
Discussion paper DP18406 Are software automation and teleworkers substitutes? Preliminary evidence from Japan Richard Baldwin Toshihiro Okubo 30 Aug 2023 International Trade and Regional Economics F0
Discussion paper DP16407 The Risks of Safe Assets Lukas Schmid Yang Liu Amir Yaron 29 Jul 2021 Financial Economics Macroeconomics and Growth G0 F0
Discussion paper DP14573 Firm-Level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases: Covid-19, SARS, and H1N1 Tarek Hassan Stephan Hollander Laurence van Lent Markus Schwedeler Ahmed Tahoun 6 Apr 2020 Financial Economics International Macroeconomics and Finance Macroeconomics and Growth Monetary Economics and Fluctuations I15 I18 D22 G15 E0 F0
Discussion paper DP14253 The Global Impact of Brexit Uncertainty Tarek Hassan Laurence van Lent Stephan Hollander Ahmed Tahoun 26 Dec 2019 Financial Economics International Macroeconomics and Finance Macroeconomics and Growth D8 E22 E24 E32 E6 F0 G18 G32 G38 H32
Discussion paper DP13655 Some International Evidence for Keynesian Economics Without the Phillips Curve Roger Farmer Giovanni Nicolo 20 May 2019 Monetary Economics and Fluctuations E3 E4 F0
Discussion paper DP13701 Israel’s Struggle Towards Macroeconomic Stability: Historical-Analytical Essay Assaf Razin 28 Apr 2019 International Macroeconomics and Finance E0 F0
Discussion paper DP13336 Debt Overhang, Rollover Risk, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the European Crisis Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan Luc Laeven David Moreno 21 Nov 2018 Financial Economics International Macroeconomics and Finance Macroeconomics and Growth Monetary Economics and Fluctuations E0 F0
Discussion paper DP13288 Will Brexit Age Well? Cohorts, Seasoning and the Age-Leave Gradient, Past, Present and Future Barry Eichengreen Rebecca Mari Gregory Thwaites 31 Oct 2018 International Macroeconomics and Finance F0
Discussion paper DP11839 International Spillovers and Local Credit Cycles Julian Di Giovanni Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan Mehmet Fatih Ulu Yusuf Soner Baskaya 7 Feb 2017 International Macroeconomics and Finance Monetary Economics and Fluctuations E0 F0 F1
Discussion paper DP11827 Capital Flows and the International Credit Channel Julian Di Giovanni Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan Jose-Luis Peydro Yusuf Soner Baskaya Mehmet Fatih Ulu 3 Feb 2017 Financial Economics International Macroeconomics and Finance Monetary Economics and Fluctuations E0 F0 F1
Discussion paper DP11506 Better, Faster, Stronger: Global Innovation and Trade Liberalization Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe Andreas Moxnes Federica Coelli 16 Sep 2016 International Trade and Regional Economics F0 F1 F13 F6