
In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

Billion-Dollar Extreme Weather Events

This map and related materials pertaining to all types of extreme weather can be found here. Last updated January 2024.

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U.S. State Climate Action Plans

33 states have released a climate action plan or are in the process of revising or developing one. This includes 32 states that have released plans and 1 state that is updating its plan. Climate action plans generally include greenhouse …

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Firing Up Clean Hydrogen in Texas

As a global energy leader and the ninth-largest economy in the world, Texas is well-positioned to play a leading role in hydrogen market development in the United States and globally. Texas has unique local characteristics that may enhance the state’s …

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Setting the Stage for Direct Air Capture in Wyoming

Both public and private sector actors are increasingly interested in direct air capture (DAC) and other carbon management technologies, driven in part by increased ambition of companies’ carbon management commitments and significantly increased federal incentives for deployment. This has significant …

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Securing Louisiana’s Role in the Offshore Wind Industry

Decades of experience in offshore energy have positioned Louisiana to play a significant role in growing the U.S. offshore wind industry. Louisiana’s workforce and expertise can be leveraged to facilitate wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as …

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Enhancing Climate Resilience and Economic Development in Southeast Florida

In southeastern Florida, Miami, and the surrounding region are considered “ground zero” for climate impacts in the continental United States, experiencing the first and worst impacts of climate change so far. Without both strong climate resilience measures to prepare for …

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Manufacturing a Decarbonized Future in Southwestern Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State for a reason: For centuries, the state—and Southwestern Pennsylvania, in particular—has been critical to producing the energy and goods that helped build the nation, including coal, steel, aluminum, and glass. The heavy industrial and …

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A gust of momentum for offshore wind in Louisiana?
Decarbonizing Louisiana’s Industrial Sector: Community-Centric Approaches

As a state that has long been a hub for difficult-to-decarbonize industries, Louisiana has a particularly challenging path to full decarbonization. At the same time, addressing climate change is imperative in a state that is uniquely vulnerable to climate-fueled sea …

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Spinning the Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Industry into Economic Opportunity

Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina are on the cusp of entry into the U.S. offshore wind market. In Virginia, the first offshore wind turbines in federal waters symbolize the potential for a thriving clean-energy industry that could bring the region …

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