The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions works to secure a safe and stable climate by accelerating the global transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and a thriving, just, and resilient economy.
Who We Are
The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions—or C2ES—forges practical and innovative solutions to address climate change and engages with leading businesses to accelerate climate progress. Founded in 1998 as the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, C2ES is known worldwide as a thought leader and trusted convener on climate change and energy. We consistently rank among the world’s leading environmental policy think tanks in the University of Pennsylvania Global Go To Think Tank Index.
What sets C2ES apart is our combination of policy and analytical expertise, longstanding relationships with leading businesses, and reputation as a trusted convener. As an independent, nonpartisan organization, C2ES is solely responsible for its positions, programs, and publications.
We believe in equitable climate solutions, in ensuring that the benefits of the transition to a net-zero economy are widely shared, and in empowering marginalized and vulnerable populations—who suffer the brunt of a changing climate. See our full statement on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.
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How We Work
Through our research and dialogues, we answer pressing questions, identify roadblocks to progress, and forge new solutions.
Policy Innovation and Leadership
We conduct timely, impartial, rigorous research and analysis of the policies, institutions, and technologies needed to accelerate the transition to net zero and promote climate resilience. On the basis of that analysis, we develop innovative and practical policy approaches that deliver real and lasting climate progress, including market-based solutions, and advocate for them with policymakers at all levels of government.
Business Engagement
We work with companies to inform and educate business leaders, strengthen corporate climate action, and mobilize business support for effective climate policies. Our Business Environmental Leadership Council, a group of 41 primarily Fortune 500 companies, provides C2ES with access to the experience and expertise of leading companies representing nearly the entire economy.
Trusted Convening
We bring city, state, and national policymakers together with businesses and other stakeholders to build common understanding and consensus around solutions. For over a decade, we have regularly convened international climate negotiators to identify common ground and constructive paths forward for international cooperation, including dialogues that helped shape and support adoption of the Paris Agreement and its implementation.
What We Do
Accelerating a Net-Zero Pathway for the United States
C2ES is a leading voice championing effective and ambitious climate policy solutions. We work with businesses and policymakers to develop and advocate policies that can cut U.S. emissions 50 to 52% below 2005 levels by 2030 and put the country on a path to net-zero emissions by 2050.
- Net-Zero Pathways: Our Net-Zero Pathways initiative engages leading companies to identify and advance policy solutions that accelerate decarbonization in key sectors across the U.S. economy.
- Market Solutions: We work with administration officials and Members of Congress and their staffs to design effective policies, including carbon pricing, other market-based solutions, and complementary policies.
- Business voices: We mobilize companies, connecting them with policymakers in support of ambitious climate policy, including in support of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
- State Engagement: We take the policy conversation beyond Washington, D.C., convening regional roundtables of national, state, and local stakeholders to identify economic opportunities in the net-zero transition.
- Accelerating Industrial Decarbonization: We co-convene the Renewable Thermal Collaborative, a coalition of companies, institutions, and governments committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling.
Delivering on the Paris Agreement
C2ES has been deeply involved in the United Nations climate talks for well over a decade, facilitating informal, closed-door senior level dialogue among key countries informed by expert analysis.
- C2ES-sponsored Dialogues: C2ES dialogues have contributed to the blueprint of the Paris Agreement, and following that landmark achievement have continued to provide a forum for informal discussions among lead negotiators on critical issue like transparency, the NDC ambition cycle, carbon markets, and others
- The Paris Rulebook: Our ongoing convenings of Heads of Delegation also contributed to the successful completion of the “Paris rulebook.”
- Global Stocktake: We are engaging with a range of stakeholders to shape the 2023 Global Stocktake process to ensure the environmental effectiveness of the Paris Agreement and support the achievement of of its mitigation, adaptation, and finance goals.
- Voluntary Carbon Market: C2ES is a member of the Executive Secretariat of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market, which is establishing a threshold quality standard for carbon credits to ensure a high-integrity voluntary carbon market and drive climate finance at scale into emissions reduction and sustainable growth.
Building Resilience
C2ES convenes stakeholders and identifies strategies and policies for all levels of government to help communities and businesses adapt to climate change. We focus on demonstrating how and where climate resilience boosts economic competitiveness and building constituencies in support of that proposition.
- Federal Resilience Tools for Communities: Our Federal Policy Action Plan outlines key steps the federal government should take to accelerate and strengthen community resilience to climate impacts.
- Mayors and Community Sustainability: C2ES organizes the The Alliance for a Sustainable Future a joint effort with The U.S. Conference of Mayors to helps cities and businesses collaborate on sustainable, low-carbon development.
- Business Resilience and Climate-related Disclosure: C2ES is a leading player in exploring the opportunities and challenges companies face in assessing the financial impact of climate-related risks and opportunities.