
Business resilience content

Blog Post
States look to “green banks” to leverage private investment in clean tech
How Business Can Weather the Storm

By: Sara Kendall, Weyerhaeuser Publsihed in The Environmental Forum, January 2014   Companies have long engaged in risk assessment and mitigation as a core business practice. The Intergov­ernmental Panel on Climate Change in its 2012 report “Managing the Risks of …

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U.S. companies need to plan for extreme weather: Column

July 23, 2013 USA Today by Tom King and Jeff Sterba Extreme weather events are on the rise. With 800-plus extreme events worldwide in 2012 resulting in more than $130 billion in damages, adjusting to a “new normal” of a …

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Blog Post
Weathering the Storm: How businesses are navigating a changing climate
Blog Post
Weathering the Storm: How to build business resilience to climate change
Adapting to Climate Change: A New Frontier for Business

The past several years have seen a steady transformation of business attitudes and behavior on climate change. Faced with the prospect of new regulations, increased pressure from shareholders and changing consumer demands, many companies are developing comprehensive corporate strategies to …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A Business Approach

This report outlines a sensible business approach to analyzing and adapting to the physical risks of climate change. It focuses on a critical first step in assessing these climate impacts: understanding the potential risks to business and the importance of …

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