Carbon Pricing

A growing number of jurisdictions are adopting market-based climate policies. By putting a price on carbon, these policies give businesses the incentive to innovate so they can cut emissions at the lowest possible cost.

Market Based Climate Mitigation Policies In Emerging Economies

Summary Used by governments for decades, market-based policies are mechanisms to control environmental pollution at various leverage points. They work by changing relative prices – raising the cost of emissions-intensive activities and/or lowering the cost of lower-emitting alternatives – to …

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Carbon Forum North America 2012
An Illustrative Framework for a Clean Energy Standard for the Power Sector

This paper describes an illustrative framework for a federal clean energy standard (CES) for the electricity sector. A CES is a type of electricity portfolio standard. Electricity portfolio standards are flexible, market-based policies that typically set requirements for the percentage …

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Clean Energy Standards: State and Federal Policy Options and Implications

Executive Summary A transition from conventional fossil fueled electricity generation to clean energy offers several benefits—particularly the growth of new clean energy industries and associated jobs, diversification of energy supply, and reductions in the public health and environmental damages (especially …

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The Clean Development Mechanism: A Review of the First International Offset Program

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), established under the Kyoto Protocol, is the primary international offset program in existence today, and while not perfect, it has helped to establish a global market for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. It generates offsets …

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Carbon Market Oversight and Regulation

This article originally appeared in Point Carbon News.   At the heart of any successful cap-and-trade program is a well-functioning market for the trading of emissions allowances.  At the same time, the recent high-profile market scandals and crises have led …

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Carbon Market Design and Oversight: A Short Overview

At the heart of any successful cap-and-trade program is a well-functioning market for the trading of emissions allowances. The sulfur dioxide allowance market created under 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments to control acid rain is an example of such a …

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Calculating the Benefits of Climate Policy: Examining the Assumptions of Integrated Assessment Models

Policy-relevant results of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) are sensitive to a number of uncertain assumptions that govern model simulation of the climate, society, and the policy response to climate change. Uncertainties remain in understanding of the rate and magnitude of …

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Assessing Offset Quality in the Clean Development Mechanism

The Offset Quality Initiative (OQI) responds to the intensifying debate over international offsets by releasing a policy paper assessing offset quality in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). In the paper, titled “Assessing Offset Quality in the Clean Development Mechanism,” OQI …

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Maintaining Carbon Market Integrity: Why Renewable Energy Certificates Are Not Offsets

This brief explains how and why renewable energy certificates (RECs) differ from greenhouse gas (GHG) emission offsets (offsets). While the Offset Quality Initiative (OQI) is a strong supporter of renewable energy and believes it has a critical role to play …

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