
City/Local transportation content

The Role of Clean Energy Banks in Increasing Private Investment in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

This paper explores how Clean Energy Banks, or other similar organizations aimed at leveraging public funds to attract private investment in clean energy deployment, could help reduce the barriers to EV charging infrastructure by (1) supporting the development of viable business models for charging services …

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Applying the Energy Service Company Model to Advance Deployment of Fleet Natural Gas Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure

This paper explores the opportunity for using ESCO-style service contracts to advance investment in natural gas vehicles by fleets. Starting with a brief overview of the ESCO market, this paper explains how ESCOs reduce barriers faced by energy efficiency and …

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EV-Grid Integration Workshop: Summary Report

This document summarizes the recommendations and proceedings from an in-person workshop held in Boston on February 20, 2014. Representatives from state agencies, the electricity and charging industries, and non-profit organizations gathered to discuss the key issues around integrating electric vehicles …

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Guide to the Lessons Learned from the Clean Cities Community Electric Vehicle Readiness Projects

This report for the U.S. Department of Energy summarizes the lessons learned from 16 government, educational and nonprofit groups that received grants to advance the deployment of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Participants in projects across 24 states and the District …

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Plug-in Electric Vehicle Action Tool

The Plug-in Electric Vehicle Action Tool is the synthesis of 2 workshops as well as research conducted by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). The PEV Action Tool helps state departments of transportation determine their goals for plug-in …

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Ridesharing: Context, Trends, and Opportunities

Transportation in the United States faces significant challenges, including uncertain funding, congestion, unsustainable trends in energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and high costs to households and government. Ridesharing represents a cost-effective option for addressing many of these concerns. …

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An Action Plan to Integrate Plug-in Electric Vehicles with the U.S. Electrical Grid

Executive Summary Americans purchased almost 18,000 plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in 2011, a strong first year for these transformative vehicles. Recently, private industry and government have invested valuable resources in developing, promoting, and deploying PEVs. These vehicles offer an uncommon …

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