Carbon Pricing

A growing number of jurisdictions are adopting market-based climate policies. By putting a price on carbon, these policies give businesses the incentive to innovate so they can cut emissions at the lowest possible cost.

Carbonfirst USA: Climate policy and market insights

Eileen Claussen responds to questions about domestic and international climate policy in the US-focused June edition of CARBONfirst.   Do you believe a US cap-and-trade bill can be passed out of Congress in 2009? What chance does the bill have …

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The Competitiveness Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Policies

A close look at the historical relationship between energy prices and U.S. production and consumption of energy-intensive goods suggests that energy-intensive manufacturers are likely to face only modest “competitiveness” impacts under a U.S. greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program, according to this …

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Cap and Trade vs. Taxes

Cap and trade and a carbon tax are two distinct policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Each approach has its vocal supporters.  Those in favor of cap and trade argue that it is the only approach that can …

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Coverage of Natural Gas Emissions & Flows Under a GHG Cap-and-Trade Program

This paper provides an overview of the different point-of-regulation options for covering greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas under a cap-and-trade program. The paper assesses the percentage of emissions covered under the different options and the type and number of entities …

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Greenhouse Gas Offsets in a Domestic Cap-and-Trade Program

This brief presents the key issues and identifies options for the incorporation of greenhouse gas (GHG) offsets into emerging U.S. climate change policy. A GHG offset represents a reduction, avoidance, destruction, or sequestration of GHG emissions from a source not …

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Scope of a Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program

This brief describes issues involved in choosing the set of greenhouse gases (GHGs), emission sources, and sectors of the economy included in a cap-and-trade program. Trade-offs between three primary criteria determine whether a source should be included in a cap-and-trade …

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Allocation

This policy brief outlines various options for distributing greenhouse gas emission allowances under a cap-and-trade program. Allowances represent a significant source of value and can be used to compensate firms or individuals affected by climate change policy or to raise …

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Tax Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This brief outlines the motivation for and key features of a tax designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The two most commonly discussed market-based instruments for reducing GHG emissions are a cap-andtrade system and a GHG (carbon) tax. …

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Ensuring Offset Quality

This paper aims to provide policymakers with practical recommendations regarding the integration of greenhouse gas (GHG) offsets into emerging regulatory systems. Offsets have an important role to play in controlling the costs associated with regulating and reducing GHGs, and in …

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Economic Costs of a Market-based Climate Policy

Effort to develop a mandatory climate policy is accelerating and it seems likely that a national market-based strategy for dealing with climate change is on the near term horizon. Key provisions are likely to include a cap on selected greenhouse …

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