Paris Agreement

Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Communicating and Reporting on Adaptation

The Paris Agreement places greater emphasis on adaptation than previous agreements under the UNFCCC. It sets a global adaptation goal, commits parties to undertake adaptation planning and action, commits developed countries to provide adaptation support, and provides for parties to …

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Essential Elements of the Paris ‘Rulebook’

The Paris Agreement represents a decisive turning point in the global response to climate change. Through an innovative hybrid structure blending “top-down” and “bottom-up” elements, the Agreement has achieved near-universal participation, and has the potential to facilitate rising global ambition. …

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Blog Post
Outlining Essential Elements of the Paris ‘Rulebook’
The Paris Agreement Presents a Flexible Approach for U.S. Climate Policy

This article first appeared in Volume 11, Number 4 of the Carbon and Climate Law Review. The Paris Agreement was specifically designed to provide sovereign nations with the flexibility they need to craft their own greenhouse gas reduction plans. The …

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Accounting Approaches Under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement sets out a framework for all countries to decide on their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and subsequently demonstrate they have implemented them. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement recognizes that countries may collaborate in implementing their respective …

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Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Transparency of Finance

Increased climate finance for developing countries and enhanced transparency are two critical pillars of the Paris Agreement. The two intersect in the provisions of Article 9 (finance) and Article 13 (transparency), addressing the reporting and review of finance-related information. These …

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Elaborating the Paris Agreement: National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

A fundamental feature of the “enhanced transparency framework” established by Article 13 of the Paris Agreement is the regular provision by each party of a national inventory report of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks. Article 13 …

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The Paris Agreement
Blog Post
Bonn Esprit: Elaborating the Paris rulebook
General Issues in Elaborating the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement establishes a new multilateral architecture guiding countries’ climate change efforts under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Parties are currently negotiating more detailed rules and procedures for implementing the agreement, including provisions addressing transparency, accounting, …

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