
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

Blog Post
A podcast: What’s Next After COP26?
Outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow

At the 26th annual UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) in Glasgow, Scotland, governments struggled bitterly over the final text of an agreement, including how to deliver on “ambition,” the phasing out of coal …

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Blog Post
A ‘Glasgow half-full’ view of COP26
The Global Goal on Adaptation: Issues for COP26

Adaptation continues to be a high priority, and the delivery on adaptation-related topics and mandates will be integral to achieving a successful outcome at COP26. Adaptation under the Paris Agreement has several important features that together create a system that …

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Article 6: Issues for COP26

A majority of Parties with new or enhanced NDCs anticipate using voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve their NDCs. After Parties were unable to come to an agreement on carbon market rules in Madrid, international …

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Loss & Damage: Issues for COP26

Parties have expressed interest in building out more effective implementation of the action and support for loss and damage (L&D). The interest in accelerating action and support for L&D has expressed itself in relation to three issues:  The development of …

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Live Event
C2ES Events at COP 26 in Glasgow
Blog Post
How should we measure success at COP26?
Live Event
Pre-COP 26 Media Briefing
Blog Post
The future of plastics: a new global treaty?