
In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

A Summary of American Climate Prospectus: Impacts for Maryland

In this paper, we summarize the information about the costs of climate impacts in the American Climate Prospectus that are specific to the state of Maryland. The impacts examined include: increases in heatrelated mortality, increases in the amount of coastal …

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Climate Change: The Cost of Inaction for Maryland’s Economy

The American Climate Prospectus addressed several key climate impacts over the coming century, including increases in heat-related mortality, increases in the amount of coastal property exposed to flooding, declines in labor productivity, increases in energy expenditures, and declines in agricultural …

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Maryland: Climate Change is Here and Now

Today we are already experiencing the types of impacts, which are expected to become more intense and occur more frequently as a result of climate change. In the past two years, Maryland has experienced floods, excessive heat and drought leading …

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Blog Post
Why businesses, states and cities must collaborate on climate
Blog Post
How states can best promote clean power
Blog Post
EPA’s Clean Power Plan puts states in the driver’s seat
Blog Post
Washington state commits to supporting a growing EV market
Blog Post
Canadian hydropower can help states achieve carbon-cutting goals
Blog Post
States should explore carbon pricing to encourage clean power
Blog Post
States can learn from each other on carbon pricing