City and Local

As centers of population and energy use, cities generate a majority of our climate emissions. Local governments play a critical role in reducing emissions and in making communities resilient to climate change.

Collaboration for Strengthening Climate Resilience in Detroit

Detroit is projected to experience higher temperatures, more frequent and intense precipitation events, and fluctuating lake levels. These changes will pose various challenges to the city, threatening homes, infrastructure, and human health and safety. Various groups have taken steps to …

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Strategic Planning to Enable ESCOs to Accelerate NGV Fleet Deployment: A Guide for Businesses and Policymakers

This guide addresses questions that private investors and state and local agencies may have about key considerations and strategies for deploying NGVs in public and private fleets.

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Strategic Planning to Implement Publicly Available EV Charging Stations: A Guide for Businesses and Policymakers

This guide answers questions that private investors and state and local agencies, such as state energy offices, may have in deciding whether and to what extent they should invest in publicly available charging infrastructure.

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Blog Post
Cities are driving climate solutions
Blog Post
Why businesses, states and cities must collaborate on climate
Philadelphia’s Benchmarking and Energy Use Program

Energy efficiency is expected to be a key compliance option for states under the Clean Power Plan because it can minimize cost impacts to consumers and utilities. For states using a rate-based emissions target, efficiency gains will need to be …

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US cities offer diverse incentives for electric vehicles
Blog Post
Key lessons for successful climate partnerships
Business Models for Financially Sustainable EV Charging Networks

In May 2014, the Washington State Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee commissioned a study to develop new business models that will foster private sector commercialization of publicly available EV charging services and expand the role of private sector investment in EV …

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The Role of Clean Energy Banks in Increasing Private Investment in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

This paper explores how Clean Energy Banks, or other similar organizations aimed at leveraging public funds to attract private investment in clean energy deployment, could help reduce the barriers to EV charging infrastructure by (1) supporting the development of viable business models for charging services …

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