Resilience Solutions

Even as we work to avoid worse impacts in the future, the public and private sectors must act now to strengthen our resilience to the unavoidable impacts of warming that’s already underway.

The Climate Resilience-Economy Nexus: A Storymap
The Climate Resilience-Economy Nexus: Local Strategies in Practice
Blog Post
Resolving a plastic-free lifestyle? Here’s what I learned…
Blog Post
Equity in Resilience: Building Capacity to Prepare for and Recover from Wildfires
Climate Resilience Portal
Blog Post
Equity in Resilience: Planning for hurricanes
Blog Post
Equity in Resilience: Addressing the unequal health impacts of extreme heat
Blog Post
Record drought underscores need for Western water resilience
Blog Post
Evading disaster through managed retreat
Blog Post
Building resilience on a foundation of solid climate risk information