
Federal executive content

Cross-State Electricity Load Reductions Under EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan

States will likely invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy in order to comply with the Clean Power Plan. Yet the flow of power between states creates accounting problems since the actions of power importers can affect those of exporters. …

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Blog Post
Don’t toss out the good electricity with the bad
C2ES Comments on Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units

On June 18, 2014, EPA proposed carbon dioxide emission standards for existing power plants, also known as the Clean Power Plan, implementing its authority under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. More information on the proposed rule can be …

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C2ES Comments on Proposed EPA Rule for New Power Plants

On September 20, 2013, EPA proposed carbon dioxide emission standards for new power plants in implementing its authority under section of 111(b) of the Clean Air Act. More information on the proposed rule can be found here. On May 7, …

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Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants: Key Challenges

In coordination with states, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) faces a number of policy challenges as it develops its guidelines for carbon pollution standards for existing power plants. These range from over-arching issues that will impact the foundation of …

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Blog Post
Maintaining U.S. nuclear power helps meet our climate goals
Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants: Issues and Options

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing regulations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. These rules will guide states as they develop their own regulations. This is relatively novel territory for EPA and it must settle …

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Why we shouldn’t throw out flood insurance reform
Blog Post
Stronger action needed to meet U.S. climate pledge
Blog Post
’60 Minutes’ story on clean tech omits climate change