Towards an Integrated Multi-Track Climate Framework

With the approach of 2012, and the expiration of the initial greenhouse gas targets under the KyotoProtocol, governments are grappling with how best to advance the international climate effort in the years beyond. The central challenge is as clear as …

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International Efforts Beyond 2012 – Report of the Climate Dialogue at Pocantico

  This major report outlines options and recommendations for advancing the international climate change effort post-2012. The report is from the Climate Dialogue at Pocantico, a group of 25 senior policymakers and stakeholders from 15 countries convened by the Pew …

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Beyond Kyoto: Advancing the International Effort Against Climate Change

The report is a compilation of six “think pieces” on core issues in developing an effective international response to global climate change. Working drafts of the papers were the focus of workshops in China, Germany, and Mexico. More than 100 …

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The Kyoto Mechanisms and Global Climate Change

The Kyoto Protocol sets greenhouse gas emissions limits for 2008-2012 for 38 developed coun-tries. Developing countries have no emissions limits. The Protocol also creates three “mechanisms” that enable countries to reduce the cost of meeting their emissions limits. The nations …

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