Carbon Pricing

A growing number of jurisdictions are adopting market-based climate policies. By putting a price on carbon, these policies give businesses the incentive to innovate so they can cut emissions at the lowest possible cost.

What’s ahead for carbon markets after COP 21

The following was published in the February 2016 edition of Biores, a publication of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.   The new climate deal includes several provisions relevant to market-based emissions reductions efforts. At a UN conference in Paris, France …

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Blog Post
China’s provinces learn how to reduce emissions with trading
Live Event
Carbon Pricing and Clean Power: A Solutions Forum
Market Mechanisms: Understanding the Options

Climate change poses a significant risk for a broad range of human and natural systems. Policies to reduce emissions are critical if we are to avoid the most costly damages associated with a rapidly changing climate. Compared to traditional command-and-control …

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What role for carbon markets in the 2015 climate agreement?

The following was published in the February 2015 edition of Biores, a publication of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.   Will the current UN climate talks do enough to create common standards for international emissions trading in …

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Preparing for Carbon Pricing: Case Studies from Company Experience: Royal Dutch Shell, Rio Tinto, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company

This report was prepared for the PMR Secretariat by Janet Peace, Tim Juliani, Anthony Mansell, and Jason Ye (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions—C2ES), with input and supervision from Pierre Guigon and Sarah Moyer (PMR Secretariat). This report examines how …

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Carbon Pricing Proposals of the 113th Congress

Six proposals to put a price on carbon were introduced in the 113th Congress (2013-2014). Five would establish a carbon tax (also called a “carbon pollution fee”) and one would establish a cap-and-dividend program (a cap-and-trade program that would rebate …

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Live Event
California Carbon Markets Seminar
Blog Post
Pricing carbon – What are the options?
A Carbon Tax in Broader U.S. Fiscal Reform: Design and Distributional Issues

This report examines the issues and options for designing a carbon tax in the United States. Reviewing the rationales for a carbon tax in the context of broader fiscal reform, it explores design issues, environmental benefits and the options for …

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